How to reformat your PC Part 3

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Show #13:

  • Date: 2005-04-11
  • Subject: How to reformat your PC Part 3
  • Duration: 31:50
  • Format: MP3
  • Size: 13,094 kb

Topics Discussed:

  • My Comments
  • Part 2 Additions
  • Part 3

Additional Information:

Additions from Part 2:

Part 3:

  • Disconnect network cable
  • Disconnect extra HD
  • Boot floppy/CD or OS CD
  • Format (partitions, NTFS/FAT32)
  • Install (pc name, workgroup)
  • Create User Accounts
  • Copy over hardware drivers
  • Network Driver (port speed)
  • Install/Configure Firewall
  • AntiVirus (update)
  • Plug in network cable
  • Service Pack (via online or CD)
  • Windows Update
  • Install Applications
  • Office Update
  • Final configure
  • Defrag
  • Ghost backup?
  • Move over personal data
  • Make notes of what went wrong for next time

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